How long will it take to get my images?

A proof gallery will be delivered in 14 days or less. Once you select your favorite images from your session for me to edit, I will fully edit those and deliver them to you in 2-5 business days (depending on size of gallery).

What kind of retouching can I expect?

Editing is done at the discretion of the photographer. I do light retouching on skin, eyes, etc. Toddlers often come to me with a bruise or scrape. I typically take that out unless you'd like me to leave it. Newborn babies are fully retouched including baby acne, bruising, redness, jaundice. If there is something you'd like edited out please address it with the photographer during your session.

How are my images delivered to me?

All of my images are delivered in an online gallery. You will have a digital download pin to access these images. Please make sure you download within the specified timeframe. Images do not remain on the download site permanently.

How do I pay?

Please e transfer payment to jaimeleigh00@gmail.com
Cash is also accepted

Let me freeze time in an image

So you can hold it forever